The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) is pleased to officially announce the 2017 Annual Membership Meeting (AMM). The AMM will be held at the Westin Portland Harborview Hotel in downtown Portland, Maine on Friday to Saturday, June 9-10, 2017.
To assist with your planning, please be advised of the following:
- Hospital tour at Maine Medical Center, Thursday, June 8, 2017, 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
- Welcome Reception for AMM attendees, Thursday, June 8, 2017, 6:00 - 9:30 pm at
The Inn on Peak's Island (http://innonpeaks.com/)
- AMM, Westin Portland Harborview Hotel, Friday, June 9th, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Interpretini Reception/Language Access Champion Award Ceremony,
Friday, June 9th, 6:30 - 9:30 pm at Bayside Bowl (http://www.baysidebowl.com/)
- AMM, Westin Portland Harborview Hotel, Saturday, June 10th, 8:30 am - 12:15 pm
This program has been approved by CEAP for 7 CE hours. This program has been approved by ATA for 6 CE points.
Keynote Speakers
Alison Beyea, ACLU of Maine
If you would like to take advantage of this special offer, please email Nicole at [email protected] ASAP.
The 2017 AMM Registration Fee is $140 Early Bird, and $180 for regular registration. REGISTER NOW!
Note: If your employer will be paying for your lodging, please contact the hotel directly to set up proper billing arrangements prior to arrival: 207-775-5411 or [email protected]
Post-AMM Training Opportunity Saturday, June 10th 1pm - 5pm
Please note that this event is separate from the AMM, and requires a separate registration fee. NCIHC membership is NOT a requirement to participate in the training.

Register here!
Two of the most challenging standards of practice for healthcare interpreters are Advocacy and Role Boundaries. Numerous factors such as workplace setting, employment status, and whether the service is face-to-face or via technology lead to questions and differing opinions about their application. The NCIHC is offering a four-hour workshop organized by the Standards and Training Committee which will examine these two National Standards of Practice and their application in the interpreted encounter. In addition to presentations there will be guided scenarios, discussion, and an opportunity for participants to share their experiences.
Educational Objectives At the end of this training, participants will:
- Have a greater understanding of the two Standards
- Have an increased ability to respond to unique and challenging interpreting events
- Be able to apply enhanced critical thinking skills in unique and challenging interpreting events
- Identify personal boundaries
- Articulate the potential for conflict in a given situation
- Be able to utilize decision-making strategies and tools offered in the training
Target audience Interpreters, interpreter trainers, providers, and administrators of interpreting services. NCIHC membership is not required to attend this workshop.
This workshop has been accredited for 4 hrs by CEAP/CCHI and ATA.