The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) is thrilled to announce the location of our 2018 Annual Membership Meeting (AMM): DENVER, CO!
Interpreters, translators, language access advocates, hospital administrators, service providers, immigration law makers, interpreter department managers/directors and all involved in language access and immigrant/refugee issues are welcome and encouraged to attend. Since this is truly a membership meeting, and not a conference, all attendees are required to be a part of NCIHC. To become a member please visit: https://ncihc.memberclicks.net/member-benefits
Please join us in supporting our immigrant community, discussing obstacles and solutions, finding answers and working together in protecting and advancing this vulnerable population. Our mission, strength and determination is now more important than ever.
Please feel free to email [email protected] directly with any questions you may have. The meeting will be in the beautiful ART Hotel: http://www.thearthotel.com/
Pre-AMM activities on Thursday, May 31st include an afternoon local hospital tour with a focus on learning about their specific language services solutions, as well as a Meet & Greet Welcome Reception in the evening.
Post-AMM Workshop on Standards of Practice
Advocacy and Role Boundaries
Two of the most challenging standards of practice for healthcare interpreters are Advocacy and Role Boundaries. Numerous factors such as workplace setting, employment status, and whether the service is face-to-face or via technology lead to questions and differing opinions about their application. The NCIHC is offering a four-hour workshop organized by the Standards and Training Committee which will examine these two National Standards of Practice and their application in the interpreted encounter. In addition to presentations there will be guided scenarios, discussion, and an opportunity for participants to share their experiences.
Please note: This event is an in-person workshop in Denver, CO. This event is separate from the AMM and requires separate registration.
Cost: $35 for NCIHC members / $45 for non-NCIHC members
Time: 1:00 - 5:00
Approved by CCHI for 4 CE hrs, CEAP ID #05680 ATA has approved the workshop for 4 continuing education points.
Hospital Tour: May 31, 2018 from 1pm - 3pm Transportation will be provided. Hurry and sign up - there is a maximum of 38 attendees. We will be meeting in front of the ART hotel at 12:00 pm - leaving at 12:15 pm. Hospital address: 13123 East 16th Avenue Aurora, CO 80045
Annual Membership Meeting: June 1-2, 2018
Standards and Training Workshop: June 2, 2018 from 1pm - 5pm
Thursday, May 31 |
Friday, June 1 |
Saturday, June 2 |
AMM 8a - 5p |
AMM 8:30a - 12p |
Hospital Tour 1p - 3p
Special Workshop 1p - 5p |
Welcome Reception 6p - 9p |
Interpretini Reception 6p - 9p |
the ART hotel, Denver, Colorado http://www.thearthotel.com/ Please click here to reserve a room under our discounted group rate ($189/night).
The 2018 AMM Registration Fee is $140 Early Bird and $180 for regular registration. *Please note, this is a membership meeting. Only members may attend. Early bird pricing has been extended to Friday, May 18th! REGISTER NOW!
*Special discount for Colorado residents! Click here for details.*
Program / Agenda (draft)
2018 NCIHC AMM Agenda (draft)
Language Access Champion
Julie Burns Honored as 2018 Language Access Champion
Exhibitors / Sponsors
Please click here to download the exhibitor / sponsor prospectus. To register as a sponsor, please click here.
More information on keynote speaker(s) and program coming soon.