Member Benefits
The Membership Committee would like to extend a warm invitation to you to become a member of NCIHC. As an NCIHC member, you will be linked to national efforts to advocate for the health care rights of people with limited English proficiency and D/deaf or hard of hearing.
Membership in the Council provides you with the following:

FREE continuing education Webinars
Bimonthly webinar series featuring interesting and timely material selected and presented by leaders in the field of interpreter training. For more information go to the "Home for Trainers" tab on our website.

NCIHC Listserv subscription
Opt-in to the Listserv subscription to become more involved with other NCIHC members around the country. Directions for opting in can be found on our website under the Membership tab and selecting "FAQ - Using MemberClicks".

NCIHC Annual Membership Meeting
Attend or present at our Annual Membership Meeting (AMM), where members discuss current topics related to language access in an engaging and informative format.

Voting rights in Board elections
NCIHC members have the right to vote each year during Board elections. Members also have a variety of voting privileges during the AMM.
With an Organizational membership, only one person is allowed voting rights.

Committee or Board member
NCIHC has several committees made up of volunteers who assist the Council in fulfilling its mission. In addition, the Council may establish an ad hoc committee at any time for the purpose of completing a specific project.
Participate in historic events that advance the Profession
The chance to be part of historic events that help to establish the profession for interpreters in healthcare.
NCIHC Bulletin Boards
New member benefit coming soon! We are preparing to add a new feature called Social Community. Stay tuned for more information!
Linkage to national advocacy efforts and movements
Collaboration with language access programs from around the country.
Become an active part of the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care!
For more information on our Membership categories and rates, please click on the link below or go to the Membership Enrollment page of our website.