Trainers Webinar # 1

Teaching Ethical Decision-Making to Healthcare Interpreters

by Cynthia E. Roat, MPH

This live webinar took place on March 22, 2013.

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Ethics are at the core of any professional practice. Healthcare interpreting requires interpreters to respond to a wide array of difficult situations in an ethical manner. Trainers of Healthcare Interpreters must provide their students with both an understanding of interpreter ethics and practice in applying them.  During this 90-minute webinar for interpreter trainers, veteran trainer Cindy Roat shared three different frameworks for introducing and practicing interpreter ethics; frameworks that can be implemented in an hour, a day or a semester. Specific problems in teaching ethical decision-making were discussed. 

Some of the comments received:

“Enjoyed this webinar greatly!  Thanks to all that made this possible.  I will be looking forward to the next webinars in May and July.”

“Extremely well-organized webinar in both content and visual presentation. I appreciate the various options given for teaching this subject based on the amount of time available.”

“One of the best all-around webinars I have attended. Dead easy to access, no background noise distraction, well-organized...Very good job, Cindy et al.”

“This really got my "juices flowing" for ideas on how to better train interpreters and how to connect with more trainers -- the world seems less lonely now.”

“Cindy is a wonderful trainer.  Very clear and inclusive.  Wonderful responses to questions.”

“It was an incredibly informative, interactive and fun webinar. I was able to take copious notes with tips and information that I'll be able to include in my next training.”

“Thank you Cindy for sharing your experience and thoughts.”

“I look forward to taking more workshops with you.”

“Great Webinar with lots of good ideas and situations; as always you learn a lot with Cindy. Thanks Cindy!”

About Cindy Roat: 
Cindy Roat is a well-known figure in the healthcare interpreting world. Interpreter, trainer, consultant and mentor, Cindy has made significant contributions, both in the U.S. and abroad, in many areas of the language access field. As an educator, she has developed three basic interpreter training curricula as well as continuing education curricula for use both in person an online. Her most recent book, Healthcare Interpreting in Small Bites, is being adopted as an ancillary text in many interpreter training programs. She is known nationally as an engaging speaker, a knowledgeable resource, and an energetic advocate for language access in general.


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